Avengers Forever
by Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco
Written by Kurt Busiek with absolutely smashing artwork by Carlos Pacheco. I mean it, the book is gorgeous. This is Carlos Pacheco at his prime. A cartoon-y version of the super-detailed George Perez, Pacheco kills it on every page, making this roller coater ride through time one that is just so enjoyable to look at. This was a 12 issue maxi-series that spans the entire history of the Avengers! Immortus must assemble a group of Avengers from across time to fight Kang – but wait – Imortus is Kang when he grows up! TIME TRAVEL IS WACKY! And this stand alone story jumps around the canon of the Avengers, literally giving you a crash course as you hang on for the wild ride that spans all of history! Kurt Busiek's considerable work on both the Avengers, and with Kang specifically reach their pinnacle here in this book.